Strip Clubs Hiring London
There will be strip clubs hiring up and down the country. They will be offering all kinds of incentives and benefits. They will be telling you that theirs is the best place to work in. So when you see that The After 8 Club near London is telling you all of this as well, and offering you excellent benefits and incentives, you might just think we’re more of the same.
But we’re not.
We’re different.
For one thing, we’re not a strip club as such; we’re a private members club. What does that mean? It means we don’t just let anyone come in off the street – we are only open to our members, and that means we know exactly who is in the club at any one time. That makes it a safe and secure place for a dancer and stripper to work in.
We also offer an excellent salary of between £200 and £300 a night. Yes - £200 to £300 every night you work. That’s a fantastic rate, and one we’re happy to pay since we know how hard you work and what a competitive world stripping really is.
We offer training too. We don’t just say we’ll train you and let you get on with the job at hand; we really do it. So even if you have the skills we are looking for but don’t have any experience at all, we’ll be pleased to hear from you. We will train you, and we will ensure that you are able to perform to a high standard. You bring the enthusiasm and passion, and we’ll do the rest.
We also want to hear from women who have got plenty of experience. You can show us how it’s done and we’d be keen to learn more. Please do apply and we’ll have a chat. When you see strip clubs hiring it can be hard to work out which are the good ones; look for The After 8 Club and you’ll know which one to apply for.